Sunday, April 17, 2011

Distance between Big Cities in Japan and Nuclear Power Plants

Japan is a small islands country as you all know. We have constant earthquakes.

Here is what I wrote in my twitter today: The distance between major cities in Japan and the nearest nuclear power plants:

東京110、横浜130、大阪85、名古屋100、京都50、札幌65、神戸90、福岡50、北九州100、川崎120 日本10大都市と最寄原発からの距離(キロメートル)。あなたの家からは何キロか調べておきましょう。

Tokyo 110km
Yokohama 130km
Osaka 85km
Nagoya 100km
Kyoto 50km
Sapporo 65km
Kobe 90km
Fukuoka 50km
Kitakyushu 100km
Kawasaki 120km

1mile=1.6km so you can calculate your safety (or danger) level.

Earthquakes can happen at any time anywhere. We do have them every day now in Japan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the work you are doing for the children in Japan and for "Truth" worldwide. I just heard you on The Intel Hub radio show and will be sure to follow your work and report upon it. I report at as Live Free or Die. Thank you again and I appreciate you spreading your wisdom!