Jimmy arrived the evening of June 14 at Narita Airport. We were there to greet him but he didn't come out of the security gate until one hour after his plane landed. We were quite nervous until we met him, wondering all the while if he had been stopped at immigration by the Japanese police or something like that.
Jimmy has had many attacks, death threats, his house broken into, computers stolen, etc. But he is here now with us... What an honor to have such a wonderful human being who devotes his life to saving not only America but also the entire world from the real terror!
This is the joy of doing peace work... You keep meeting wonderful people. I am so blessed.
Enjoy and learn from his presentation!
Thank you, how was the MSM coverage ?
Hi Yumi!
And thanks a lot for the Foreign Correspondents podcast. You're doing a great and important job.
Please also correct the podcast link for Mr Johan Galtung's Q&A in a previous post (June 4th). I find the correct link is http://www.harmonicslife.net/PodCasts/2006/Yumi20060604Podcast-Johan.mp3
while the link from this blog goes to http://www.harmonicslife.net/PodCasts/2005/Yumi20060604Podcast-Johan.mp3
Keep up the good work!
It won't be long now.
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