Tuesday, August 15, 2006

♪ How I got involved? ♪ - 19 min 44 sec - 4.6 MB

PodCast GIF

Today is the 61st anniversary of the end of the 2nd World War. Japan experienced the horrible effects of two atomic bombs, one in Hiroshima on Aug 6 and the other in Nagasaki on Aug 9, 1945. Aug 15 marked the defeat of Japanese Imperial Army.

I remember back when I was a university student. I was not interested in either environmental or peace issues. I enjoyed dating, playing sports, fashion, eating out, dancing plus many different part time jobs while I was studying.

Today's podcast is with Gen Morita and Damien. We talk about how each of us got involved with the 911 Truth Movement and peace activism in general. In my case I was not convinced at all about any of the so-called 911 conspiracy thoeries at first... I totally believed the official story. The truth these theorists were suggesting was too awful and cruel to be true: that the US government would allow or do such horrible things!? So I didn't believe it even though such claims were posted on the internet right after the Sept. 11th.

For me, it was my encounter with the movie 911 IN PLANE SITE and a long talk with Dave VonKleist, the producer, that changed my perceptions of 911. I then started reading books like Crossing the Rubicon, Inside Job, The New Pearl Harbor, The 911 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions. Finally, translating the film 911 In Plane Site into Japanese convinced me that the official story has too many lies and descrepancies to be true. Now I talk about "911 Boeing wo Sagase" (the Japanese title of 911 In Plane Site) and show the film at every talk I give all over Japan.

Now with Loose Change and Confronting the Evidence by ReOpen 911, it has become quite clear that official story is not true.

The problem remains though on how to convince majority of the general population who still believe the official story. (as I used to!)

Well, here is a chance for you and your friends to see and hear from the 911 truth tellers directly. We are putting on a big 911 Event in October. Please come along and learn what really happened on September 11th, 2001! Here is the program.

Tokyo 911 Truth International Conference

911 Truth International Conference in Tokyo

(English presentations will be translated to Japanese)
Date: Oct 7, 2006
Time: 9:30AM to 9PM
Place: International Conference Hall of Olympic Youth Center, Yoyogi, Tokyo
(nearest station: Sangubashi on the Odakyu line, three stops from Shinjuku)
map: http://nyc.niye.go.jp/facilities/d7.html
Fee: 5000 yen for registerd participants/ 6000yen at the door
includes joining the recepton party (free drinks & food)
Presenters: Jimmy Walter, Founder of ReOpen 911.
Benjamin Fulford, Best selling author, 911 Terror Concoction.
Muneo Narusawa, Weekly Friday, journalist, 911 Truth adovocate
Steven Jones and David Ray Griffin will be participating by video.
MC: Yumi Kikuchi
Translators: Gen Morita, Kimberly Hughes
Technical director: Damien
Films or selections of films to be shown in the morning will be: Loose Change, 911 In Plane Site, Confronting the Evidence, 911 Eye Witness, and others time permitting.

To register: Send 5000 yen by Yubin Furikae (Post Office) by the end of September
to Harmonics Life Center: 00110-1-144224 (Yubin Furikae Number)
*write your name, address, phone and 911 Truth Conference fee in the comment space of Furikae form. These forms are available at any post office in Japan.

Or just send an e-mail with the title of "911 Truth Conference Registration" with your name, address, phone number and whatever the comments you may have.

I am looking forward to seeing you there!

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