Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Richard Gage arriving for 3rd International 911 Truth Conference

It's December first already. Tomorrow, Richard Gage is arriving in Japan. Mr. Gage has finished a speaking tour in Australia and New Zealand.

In Wellington he had his biggest audience ever, some estimate it to have been close to 1,000! He also was able to meet the son of the architect who designed the Sydney Opera House, Jan Utzon. Mr. Utzon is an architect himself and has signed The Architects And Engineers For 911 Truth petition. Click here to read the story that appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald and to see Mr. Gage interviewing Mr. Utzon.

Richard Gage JPG

I have had calls and e-mails from foreigners living in Japan and they say their Japanese is not good enough to understand how to buy tickets for the 3rd International 911 Truth Conference on Dec 5th. So here is the procedure you need to follow to buy tickets from any Lawson Convenience Store in Japan.

Go to any Lawson store and ask the staff to show you the LOPPI (the name of the machine that sells concert/event tickets etc).

Press button that says Lコード(L code) and type in this 5 digit number:


for Tokyo. You have to choose Tokyo, Dec 5 (5000 yen for adults, 2500 yen for students).

For Yokohama, choose Yokohama, Dec 4.

Dates are written in arabic numbers so you can tell which one is Tokyo or Yokohama.

If you can not manage to use the LOPPI machine you can also do a Post Office money transfer. If you want to do that, you can then go to the Post Office and use the "Yubin Furikae" system for transferring the money. Once the money is received I will send you the tickets, or if you like, you can pick them up at on the day at the door. Just bring receipt of money transfer (yubin furikae) from the Post Office and some ID with you.

Here are the details you will need to write on the Yubin Furikae form: 00110-1-144224 Harmonics Life Center. You must also fill in your name, address, and phone on the form.

If this is too complicated, just call me on 04-7097-1011 from 10am-2pm today!

The main event will be held at Zendentsu Hall in Ochanomizu. Click here to se an English map.

*読んでくれてありがとう。人気Blog Rankingに参加しています。クリックしてくださると、メディアからは伝わりにくい大事なことが伝わる助けになります。

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