Monday, October 11, 2010


My friend Rita Marie Jonson sent me the message below about this special day: 2010-10-10. I am posting it here so that you all know about Be Peace. I am currently in the USA (Ben Lomond) learning NVC (Non Violent Communication), which is a component of Be Peace (another part is Heart Math).

I mean to bring Be Peace training to Japan once enough people learn the NVC.

Dear BePeace friends,

For us, today's date, 10/10/10, is symbolic of a new wave of BePeace expansion. Just think, the number 10 is identified with the concept of multiplication. The fact that there are three "10s" implies that this date is power-packed with evolutionary potential. Since BePeace implementation trainings in Kansas City and Charlotte resulted in contracts with 30 new BePeace trainers, it seems we are in sync with this date and all that it implies for exponential growth. Let's contemplate further what this special date means for us....

Back in 1997, my husband had a dream about us making 10 copies of the English translation of the poem, Rasur. This dream moved me to take a serious look at this inspired poem and I discovered it held the answers to "teaching peace". Suddenly I realized that the number "10" in the dream was telling me to "make copies" of this educational approach to peace; to multiply it exponentially.

A year later, I learned that Roberto Brenes Mesén, the Costa Rican author of the poem Rasur, had the same guidance I did about multiplying the awareness that his poem contained. In his last letter to his daughter, Fresia, who was living in the US, he wrote "Let the poem be known. We will send copies for you to distribute." Over time, I assimilated the principles in his poem Rasur into the practice of BePeace and Rasur Foundation International became the vehicle for multiplying this way of "teaching peace". Now each of you reading this today on 10/10/10 has become a powerful part of making copies. I am so deeply grateful for the many unique ways that you have contributed to BePeace spreading, one heart at a time.

What is the next step forward for our mystical, collective "copy machine"? It is time for me to finish the book that will take this peace teaching more directly to the children; BePeace: Weaving Wisdom and Compassion. My greatest challenge is to withdraw from the expansion that is happening, create a cocoon of peace and write so that the "butterfly" will take flight. In order to do this in a conscious way, two things are needed:
Financial support (almost all our funding has been through trainings I offer and more funding is needed in order to temporarily step out of this role)
All correspondence directed to our Director of Programs, Kelsey Visser:
Friends, I have shared how the principles in Rasur evolved into the "know how" of BePeace. We all realize there is more to creating peace in the world than just this practice, yet BePeace can make an awesome difference right now. Would you be willing to make a donation so that BePeace can multiply and empower children in our time? If you feel moved to do that, please click here to donate or mail a check to:

Rasur Foundation International
P.O. Box 150134
Arlington, TX 76015

Will we all look back at 10/10/10 and say "That was the day we aligned with the energy of expansion and we took BePeace to the world"?

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