Friday, May 18, 2007

♪ Loose Change Japanese Version has 527,000 hits! ♪ - 23 min 33 sec - 5.7 MB

PodCast GIF

Hits GIF

Great news to us all. I have just found out that more than 527,000 people have checked out Loose Change 2 Japanese on Google Video. We must keep spreading this information because many people still do not know... Of course some know, but they do not yet fully believe or they don’t want to believe...

Debunking 911 DebunkingのJPG

If you are American and haven't read any of David Ray Griffin's books, I recommend you read one at least. I just finished translating The New Pearl Harbor (It will be published later this year) and started reading Debunking 9/11 Debunking. His books are a must read for all Americans.

I had the opportunity to meet with David earlier this year. What a marvelous and modest man I discovered him to be. I didn’t write about my meeting with him in my English blog, but did in my Japanese blog as it was after meeting him that I decided to translate his book to Japanese.

Loose Change GIF

In fact I interviewed him and published a podcast of our interview. I have included the podcast with this blog. Don’t be put off by the Japanese introduction, keep listening and you will be able to hear David answering my questions, along with my translations for my Japanese listeners....

You can see a picture taken during our meeting here.

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