Yesterday, at the Japanese Diet (Parliament) we had a great afternoon with Upper House Members at the Sangin Kaikan (House of Councilor's Office) in Tokyo. The event was hosted by Mr. Fujita, who, as you might already know, asked important questions in January 2008 concerning the events of Sept. 11, 2001.
Richard Gage's speaking tour in Japan so far has been a great success. Many of the attendees who were supporters of the official 911 story have changed their opinions completely, and now know that explosives were used to bring down the three buildings on Sept. 11th, 2001. Of course, not all were completely convinced. Some that were not completely convinced however did change their opinions to "unsure".
A number of architects and engineers have attended each of the events so far (Yokohama, Tokyo, Nagoya, Shiga), but none to my knowledge have yet signed the Architects and Engineers petition.
Dan Abercrombie, who introduced me to Richard, has been helping us with his wonderful bilingual skills by translating Richard's words to Japanese at each of the events. Even though he is not professional interpreter he is doing an amazing job.
Dan has written the report that follows of the tour so far.
Thanks, Dan!
Progress Report for the AE911Truth Japan Tour (by Dan Abercrombie)
We have finished the first half of the AE911Truth Japan Tour. In short, two words: HUGE SUCCESS!
This is the first time for group leader Richard Gage to speak in Asia, and the tour will allow us to reach several milestones in the continued pursuit of Truth.
We will make a detailed report at the end of the tour, but I am sure many of our colleagues and friends in the global 9/11 Truth Movement are eager for breaking news from Japan, so please see the quick summary of the events to date that follows.
Most importantly, we would like to acknowledge all of the enormous support that has come from the whole team in Japan to make this all possible. There are too many people (including large teams of local volunteers at each event) to mention individually, but two heroes deserve very special thanks.
Yumi Kikuchi used her connections and network of supporters to set up the entire tour, and did so with an amazing degree of professionalism and an ENORMOUS amount of work. Thanks to the efforts of her team, each event has come off flawlessly and all events have been very well attended.
Councilor Yukihisa Fujita of Japan’s ruling Democratic Party (DPJ) continues to be one of the most important world figures pushing for bringing the Truth to light. Mr. Fujita spoke at the 12/5 Tokyo event (below), and has arranged meetings with two prominent Japanese structural engineers from major universities and a meeting at the Japanese House of Councilors which was attended by eight of his colleagues from the Japanese legislature. We will make a separate report on these meetings in coming days. Words cannot express our appreciation for Mr. Fujita’s continuing courage and willingness to use his stature and credibility to support this cause which has huge implications for the entire world.
We also need to thank all of the people who time out of their busy schedules, bought tickets to attend and made generous contributions to the Truth Movement in many forms. People are life blood of the Movement and the enthusiastic support from our Japanese friends has been spectacular!
Below is a quick report on each of the events to date:
12/4 in Yokohama: Richard Pitches a Shutout!
The Yokohama event was expected to be smaller, but thanks to excellent promotion by Ms. Kikuchi et. al., over eighty people (including three architects/engineers) purchased tickets and attended the event held at the Kanagawa Museum of Modern Literature near Yokohama’s famed China Town. (Check out these pictures from the event)
Richard delivered a two-hour version of his well-known Blueprint for 9/11 Truth presentation. As Richard does at all speaking events, early on, he asked the audience how many believe the US Government’s “official story” for the three building collapses in New York, how many are unsure what happened to the buildings and finally how many believe that the collapses were a result of controlled demolition. Initially, about 15 indicated that they believe the official story, about 45 indicated “unsure” with the remaining attendees already believing that there must have been controlled demolitions of the three high-rises. Toward the end of the talk, Richard repeated the spot poll, and there were none who indicated that they still believed the official story, and less than ten who were still unsure. A shutout! Score one for Truth!
12/5 in Tokyo: Main Event a Great Success!
The Tokyo event, held at a large hall in the heart of Tokyo, was attended by over 300. The event was MC’d by the famous and colorful Japanese 80’s rocker, Sunplaza Nakano-Kun. He added a great deal of excitement to event and drew many people to the event by lending his famous name to the cause. (Check out these pictures from the event)
Councilor Fujita delivered a poignant message regarding the need for all people, be they government officials, architects/engineers or just citizens of the world, to work together to reveal Truth for the sake of World Peace. Yumi Kikuchi’s talk reviewed videos/books by many from the Truth Movement and reinforced the need to expose Truth for sake of Peace, while at the same time making a gripping point regarding the sickeningly ironic “backfiring” of the so-called “War on Terror” which creates more terrorists than it subdues and tragically kills and maims so many innocent lives around the world. Other speakers from the broader Truth Movement added to event by discussing issues/theories outside of scope of the work and research of Architects & Engineers to 9/11 Truth.
Richard’s talk was very well received. Even at this larger event, another shutout was pitched. Early in the lecture, about 45 hands went up indicating “belief in the official story” with a large number in the “unsure category”. Near the end, not one was still a firm believer in the official story with a dramatic number (the vast majority) were swayed by the explosive evidence, and were now convinced that there was extremely compelling proof of controlled demolition. Attendees included five architects/engineers as well as about ten journalists, including reporters from one of Japan’s largest newspapers. The event was followed by a reception and all who attended were given the chance to pick up the microphone and express their personal feelings, all very moving, about the 9/11 tragedies.
12/6 in Nagoya: Winning Streak Extended to Three!
Nagoya is Japan’s third largest city and, as home to Toyota, a hub of engineering excellence in Japan. Over 150 packed the conference hall and the audience included five architects/engineers. We were pretty sure that the shutout streak would continue. Of the four people who initially indicated that they were believers in the “official story”, none continued to hold that position at the end of the talk (in the interest of full disclosure, one would-be holdout started to raise his hand indicating he maintained “official story” belief, but then took it down and put himself in the “unsure” category). The final vote indicated about ninety previously unconvinced people now felt the evidence for controlled demolition of WTC high-rises is undeniable. One couple traveled all the way from Fukuoka (a seven hour train ride to hear Richard speak). This was only one example of the passion and support from the attendees. (Check out these pictures from the event)
12/7 at Ritsumeikan University
A different type of audience in an academic setting, Ritsumeikan University is one of Japan’s top private universities, and home to top academics from many disciplines.
Special thanks go out to Professor Fujioka of the school’s Economics Department who helped ensure a large turnout by making Richard’s lecture a class assignment (with a quiz for class credits!). Over 200 students, faculty and local residents were in attendance. This event was different from the others, not only because of the academic environment, but also because it was attended primarily people with no pre-determined position regarding the events of 9/11.
Other events tend to attract interested parties who already suspect that the WTC collapses must have been due to controlled demolition, but Ritsumeikan event included a large number of “official story” believers and an even larger number of “unsure” attendees. While not everyone was fully convinced, only five or six remained believers in the official story and those who came away newly convinced that there must have been controlled demolition were in the vast majority.
So, while not a shutout, this may have been the most meaningful event in delivering knowledge regarding the Truth of 9/11 and giving young people and their faculty the tools to help spread the word via “continuing education”. (Check out these pictures from the event)
Speaking events in Osaka (12/11), Kobe (12/12) and Okinawa (12/13) will round out the tour, and we will provide further updates in coming days.
In closing, we would like to thank all that attended and especially those who have worked so hard to make this such a successful chapter in the unfolding story of 9/11 Truth.
1 comment:
My dear friend Edward accused me of “spitting in the face of American citizens who were truly affected by the 9/11 terrorist attacks” earlier today since I am publicly demanding a real investigation into exactly what happened in our country on September 11, 2001. While Edward is a pretty smart guy most of the time, lately he has been getting a few things dead wrong. The point of this blog is to help Edward, and others, discover that they are actually the ones “spitting in the face of American citizens who were truly affected by the 9/11 terrorist attacks” through their deafening silence and blind faith in U.S. Government and Mainstream Media. To clarify this point, let’s learn a little more about the families who lost loved ones that fateful September morning.
Continue reading at
Please show your support for the 9/11 victim’s families by becoming a fan of this Face Book page……….
Also please check out my new favorite song. This song was recorded and shared by one of my FB friends. I could not have written the lyrics any better myself. It is a must for your iPod, and can be downloaded for free at the link below.
Please leave a comment under the current post expressing your support for the victim’s families, and continue pressing for TRUTH!
Daniel Edd Bland III
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